Jumat, 10 Agustus 2018

Alphateca Builds Your Trade

Hasil gambar untuk alphateca bounty

Hello everyone, this is a beautiful day, a very interesting life change project ... Alphateca, sit back, read this article to better understand the project and its benefits.

Alphateca - Global cryptomarket, where each user can act as a buyer and seller, sell or buy various goods and services throughout the world, using cryptocurrency as a payment instrument. Imagine that in 10 minutes, you didn't leave home, make your own personal wallet, go to Alphateca and click a few times to offer tablets, cars, boats, rare artifacts from your own creative or popular computer games. Song - general, what! Thousands of people see your ad every day, and someone will like it. After you find a buyer for a short time, you get cryptokoshelek, you can easily buy the product you need from hundreds of cryptomarkete categories. You don't need to withdraw money from all passwords - you can pay for any product or service directly from your cryptokoshelka.

Mission statement

Alphateca's mission is to take Internet transactions to the next level and give you the best cryptocurrency in your daily life.

Become our partner and live life through effective participation

The main objectives of the Alphateca project are:
• Establishment of an international crypto market, where everyone can buy / sell goods and services with cryptocurrency;

• Development and facilitation of international e-commerce based on cryptocurrency;

• Create benefits for the Alphateca project participants: reduce transaction costs towards real service prices, increase speed, provide new features for users, further enhance security;

• In a global sense - the adaptation of society to the digital economy, when everyone gets the opportunity to use the achievement of global progress in everyday life. Project development will stimulate online trading volumes and increase the popularity of cryptocurrency worldwide.

The Alphateca platform is rapidly gaining popularity both among cryptocurrency holders and among fiat currency users. The crypto community continues to grow, and in the near future many fields of modern life will use cryptocurrency as a primary payment and meaningful investment because of the conservative savings of the world's financial system.

We believe that cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are the future of the world financial system.

Hasil gambar untuk alphateca bounty
Alphateca platform user capability
The crypto community only looks closed and cannot be understood, but in reality, everything is simple and clear when someone wants to explain it. To express your potential on the Alphateca platform, we have prepared detailed tutorials on our YouTube channel. There you can find basic concepts related to the crypto world, answers to frequently asked questions

Technical description of ATEC tokens
General information

We present ATEC cryptographic tokens based on the Ethereum platform. ATEC tokens have limited emissions. This is a utility token, it can be used for settlements only in projects, but can be moved on a website. (We also do not prohibit ICO participants from transferring ATEC tokens between wallets). Tokens cannot be used outside the website. All unsold tokens will be destroyed. Tokens can only be used once.

Pre-Sales and ICO

Buyers transfer ETH through smart contracts and receive ATEC tokens, as well as bonuses according to the amount and day of payment in return. Then the buyer registers on the Alphateca website, selects the function to fill the token balance in the personal account and transfers the ATEC token to the address that was made personally in his account, thereby replenishing the account's internal balance.

Important: A list of acceptable Ethereum wallets can be found on the ICO participant account.

Important: Don't use exchange cryptowallets for ICO because you won't be able to get tokens.

KYC and AML Procedure Procedures

KYC and AML will be carried out by the Alphateca team. You can read more about this in the relevant section.

Emission and distribution of ATEC tokens

Full emission - 177 000 000 ATEC

Pre-Sales - 19 000 000 ATEC

ICO - 155 000 000 ATEC

Bounty - 1 500 000 Cards

ATEC - 1 500 000 ATEC Prize

ICO tokens and Bounty tokens will not be blocked. Tokens will be paid to all participants two weeks later after the end of the ICO.

Gift card tokens will be blocked until the pin code is entered in the user's personal account.

Bonus Pre-Sales (June 15-25). Fixed bonus - 25%. Limit tokens - 19 000 000 ATEC (sold approximately 15000 000 ATEC) 1 ETH = 7 000 ATEC 0.079 BTC = 7 000 ATEC Minimum purchase - 0.5 ETH ICO (1 July - 1 August)

Hasil gambar untuk alphateca bounty BONUS PENJUALAN

Token Limit - 125 000 000 ATEC (sold around ATEC 100 000 000).

Bonus for time and sum added.

1 ETH = 7 000 ATEC

0.079 BTC = 7 000 ATEC

Estimated cost of a token in fiat - $ 0.075 (exchange rate of ETH 525 $)

SoftCap - 1 000 000 $

HardCap - 10 000 000 $

In the case of a maximum bonus, we can sell 124 000 000 ATEC. Minimum purchase - 0.2 ETH

Benefits of initial purchase of tokens

The benefit for our token buyer is the ability to transfer it to another user account. Therefore, each user can install their token for sale on our website for the cryptocurrency needed.

You can read more about the benefits in the Chapter "Benefits for ICO participants".

Distribution of funds collected

• Geographic expansion project - 45%

• Website functionality development - 25%

• Offline activities and charity - 10%

• Equipment upgrades - 10%

• Legal support - 5%

• Team bonus - 3%

• Reservation - 2%

Further development of the project:

Development depends on the results of the ICO.

Up to $ 1,000,000: funds raised will be used for further project development: equipment, specialists needed, expansion of technical support, translation into foreign languages, expansion to Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Austria.

From 2 000 000 to 4 000 000 $: an important part of the funds raised will be used to expand geographical presence in European Union and Pacific countries, as well as in Australia and Latin America.

5 000 000 $ and above: funds will be used for the implementation of automatic auctions on smart contracts, implementation of Guaranteed Services on smart and multi-signature contracts, application of automatic suspension on smart and multi-signature contracts, expansion into Asia and Scandinavia.

December 1, 2017 - Birth of ideas

January 15, 2018 - Platform prototype

March 15, 2018 - Turning ideas into technical tasks

April 1, 2018 - Gather all team members

May 1, 2018 - The first alpha version of the project

May 22 2018 - First presentation from the team at the Expo Forum

June 1, 2018 - Technical launch of the project

June 10, 2018 - Launch of a production version with paid service functions, private announcements, moderation and support services

June 14, 2018 - Introduction to shops, auctions, auctions

June 15, 2018 - Launch of Pre-Sales, expansion to Germany, France

July 1, 2018 - Launch of the ICO, an offline event to support the project, add training material to the website

July 2018 - Attract retail stores and buyers for the project, add iOS and Android applications, expand the geography of the project to Austria, Italy

August 2018 - Launch of services for exchanging ATEC tokens and services, adding sales / video video reviews to projects, meetings, joint purchases, expansion of geography of the project to Scandinavian countries.

September 2018 - Adding webinars, new advertising tools, expanding the geography of the project to the UK

October 2018 - Preparation for New Year sales, preparation of events with ticket sales through the website, expansion of the geography of the project to Japan

November 2018 - Carry out events, expand the geography of the project to Turkey, India

December 2018 - Implementation of gift cards and corporate gift products for the New Year

2019 first quarter - Introduction of new sales tools, preparation of the "real estate / goods rental" category, extension of the geography of the project to Latin America

2019 second quarter - Extending the geography of the project to China

2019 third and fourth quarters - Adapt web sites for possible offline purchases.

Further development of the project:
Development depends on the results of the ICO. Up to $ 1,000,000: funds raised will be used for further project development: equipment, specialists needed, expansion of technical support, translation into foreign languages, expansion to Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Austria. From 2 000 000 to 4 000 000 $: an important part of the funds raised will be used to expand geographical presence in European Union and Pacific countries, as well as in Australia and Latin America. 5 000 000 $ and above: funds will be used for the implementation of automatic auctions on smart contracts, implementation of Guaranteed Services on smart and multi-signature contracts, application of automatic suspension on smart and multi-signature contracts, expansion into Asia and Scandinavia.

ALPHATECA is a good ICO program.
Think the business is pretty fantastic. He attracts people regularly.
Experienced and competent cooperation is difficult to achieve.
We can build the ability to achieve goals.
Dear reader, this is just a brief overview of the purpose, benefits and opportunities that can be gained from this innovative project. I am sure you will want to know more, please visit one of the following links:

Author: Al Muhaimin
My ETH: 0xFa3aECe75c6fa68F2A7A2690e5080FE62F82ed42

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