Senin, 01 April 2019

The AQuest Application Will Help People Make Searches With Innovative And Intuitive Cloud Tools

aQuest is a unique, decentralized application that pays you for a specific task. It is developed by Enkronos. His credit system is already marked up on a private ledger and is a common resource for all products published on its platform. The ultimate goal is to adopt the AQU token as an “internal fuel”, creating the aQuest public platform based on the blockchain.
The aQuest app will help people create quests with innovative and intuitive cloud tools. These tools are available from all devices. Therefore, managing and creating quests is simple and can be performed from anywhere. All quests integrate with Enkronos applications and help create a pool of users. Quests are a great way to help create a pool of users in Enkronos applications, while your collection of users is being created, you can involve the same users in other applications that are aimed at improving the interaction of users with your brand.

AQuest (AQU) tokens are service tokens used for operations on the aQuest platform. AQU tokens can be converted to the initial state also with the help of ENK tokens, service tokens used for operations on the Enkronos Apps platform, with which aQuest is integrated. AQU (and ENK) will be the only way to use the aQuest platform. Depending on the consumption of resources, storage and requests to the platform, aQuest wallet will update the balance of available AQU.
aQuest seeks to capture payment automation needs in the Gig and Freelance Economy sector. McKinsey's recent report, “Independent Work: Choice, Need and Economy”, showed that up to 162 million people in Europe and the United States, or 20 to 30 percent of the working age population, are engaged in some form of independent work. Then aQuest can solve unresolved problems in order to facilitate a very important and growing sector of work, potentially intercepting a huge amount of business.

An important part of the aQuest platform is how AQU tokens are used to create currency circulation and create supply and demand mechanisms. AQU will be used on the Crowdholding platform, but in the future they will not be limited to the platform.
AQU will be the token used on the aQuest platform. This token will be a token in the Ethereum blockchain, following the ERC20 token standard. For the actual implementation of the token, AQU Enkronos has developed a smart contract that will be available to the public on Github before any Tokensale phase begins. There will be no changes in the contract, so any interested party can fully trust the AQU token.

Project roadmap:

Project contact information:

Author: Al Muhaimin

My ETH: 0xAa47eAa5F13fE67E08817D5B77bE047567Ab2557

Mit AQuest Können Sie Eine Starke Marketingkampagne Erstellen,Die Die Teilnehmer Belohnt

aQuest ist eine spezielle dezentrale Anwendung, mit der Sie bestimmte Aufgaben erledigen können. Sehr einfach Es wurde von Enkronos gemacht. Unser Kreditrahmen ist derzeit in einem persönlichen Profil verschlüsselt und ist das gemeinsame Eigentum aller auf seiner Plattform verteilten Artikel. Das Hauptziel bestand darin, AQU-Token als internen Brennstoff zu erhalten, wobei auf der Grundlage der offenen Blockchain eine aQuest-Phase erstellt wurde.
Quests sind eine erstaunliche Methode, um die Entwicklung einer Reihe von Kunden in Enkronos Apps zu ermöglichen, während Sie durch die Anhäufung von sich entwickelnden Kunden Verbindungen zu Kunden herstellen können, die mit anderen Anwendungen vergleichbar sind.
Mit aQuest können Sie eine starke Marketingkampagne erstellen, die die Teilnehmer belohnt.
Die Teilnehmer werden aufgefordert, eine einfache Aufgabe auszuführen, um sichere Preiszahlungen zu erhalten. Auf der anderen Seite können Sie als Unternehmen wichtige Daten über Ihre Kunden sammeln und Ihre Markenbekanntheit steigern.
Beispiel: Wenn es sich bei dieser Suche um eine Airdrop-Suche handelt, kann der Empfänger am Ende des Airdrop einen gültigen ERC-20-Token erhalten.
Eine intelligente Vertragsregierung ist die Grundlage für den Aufbau von Apps. Intelligente Verträge sind ein allgemeiner Satz von Codes, die im Blockchain-Netzwerk gespeichert sind. Wir brauchen keinen bestimmten Agenten oder Server. Der Code wird dynamisch ausgeführt, wenn er durch ein zuvor eingestelltes Ereignis aktiviert wird. Code für Gruppen von intelligenten Ingenieuren, die das Ethereum-System verwenden.
Diese Phase beinhaltet den Zweck der Implementierung des Ereignisses, das das aktuelle Token generiert. Dies ist die Site ab: 27. März 2019, Platform AQuest Dienstprogramm-Token, die an allen Börsen verwendet werden, die durch den auf der Bühne selbst übertragenen Kredit bestimmt werden. AQU verfolgt den Standard-ERC20-Token der Blockkette Ethereum.
AQU ist die beste Möglichkeit, Platform Quest zu nutzen, über das Vertrauen von ENK hinaus. Wir werden die ungefähre gesamte Plattform erklären. In dieser Phase erhalten Sie Zugriff auf viele Anwendungen für verschiedene Computeraufgaben, von der Verbindung des Internetlebens über die Recherche über die Eingabe von Kunden bis hin zur Einführung von Airdrops.
Durch die Verbindung der einzelnen Anwendungen wird die Enkronos-Anwendung außerdem zu einer permanenten Perspektive für die Kundeninformationen. Zielgruppen: ICO, STO, Blockchain-Sektor, Finanzdienstleistungen, Gesundheit, Produktion, Einzelhandel, Großhandelsvertriebspunkte, Warenhäuser, Medienagenturen, Mode, Ho. Re.Ca, Tourismus, Mass-Brand, Finanzen, Kleine Unternehmen.
Die Enkronos-Anwendung ermöglicht es jedem Techniker oder Unternehmen, seine spezifische Anwendung auf der Plattform zu verteilen. Sie profitieren von vergleichbaren und sicheren SSO-Bedingungen und der RESTful-API-Verknüpfung von Enkronos Apps. Enkronos Apps verfügt über die Tools, die für Ihr Unternehmen erforderlich sind, um sehr hohe kundenbezogene Datenanforderungen zu erhalten. Sie gerne und zeichnen in der Anwendung.
Technologie bereitstellen
aQuest ist eine leistungsstarke Lösung für die Steuerung von Ökosystemen in Marketingkampagnen, da es mit Hochtechnologie bereitgestellt wird. Dann ist aQuest in die Enkronos-Anwendung integriert und hilft somit, alle Qualitäten von Erstellern in Kampagnen zu erstellen, und dann mit der Enkronos Collection-Anwendung für alle Benutzer und Gebäude, um Benutzern beizutreten aQuest konzentriert sich darauf, die erhöhte Benutzerbeteiligung zu kontrollieren, um zukünftig die besten Marken zu schaffen, und Interaktionen und Transaktionen auch auf der Plattform zu regulieren und zu steuern.
Durch die Integration mit der Enkronos-Anwendung und auf der Automation-Website können wir bei der Ausführung von Aufgaben mehr Belohnungen erzielen, sind einfach zu bedienen und lernen, einen Beitrag zu dieser Plattform zu leisten, hohe Effizienz und Service, klare Mobilität, sehr zuverlässige Steuerungen und dann sehr sicher für alle Benutzer, die zu dieser Plattform beitragen, basierend auf allen Preisen, die erc-20-Token verwenden, und mehr Aufgaben und mehr Transformationen, damit alle Benutzer zu dieser Plattform beitragen können.
  • Token-Name: AQU
  • Pre-ico-Preis: 0,003 ETH
  • Preis von Ico: 0,006 ETH
  • Plattform: Ethereum
  • Softcap: 1 Million Dollar
  • Hardcap: 39 Millionen Dollar
  • Zuvor ico: 2019-01-24 – 2019-02-21
  • ICO: 2019-02-25 – 2019-04-09


Die offizielle Ressource des Projekts aQuest:

Urheber: Al Muhaimin

Meine ETH: 0xAa47eAa5F13fE67E08817D5B77bE047567Ab2557

Selasa, 26 Maret 2019

XPetroleum Will Revolutionize The Oil Industry And Make It Transparent


About XPetroleum

XPetroleum is a next-generation oil platform based on the Ethereum blockchain with smart contracts. We are building one of the largest trust oil economy in the Blockchain. XPetroleum will revolutionize the oil industry and make it transparent. The oil industry is one of the most essential markets in the world, oil market size is $1.7 trillion. Blockchain offers many features to make back-office work more efficient: Transparency, Financial transactions, Enabling performance-based contracts, Track provenance for authenticity, Secure, Cost and Time. Our goal is to set up the Xpetroleum Oil Company if we reach our soft cap. Then we will start to conduct various petroleum activities
Petroleum is a general term for oil and natural gas. Oil is the world’s most important fuel and underpins our high standard of living. It provides modern convenience and freedom of movement and is crucial to transport systems. Petroleum is a fossil fuel. Petroleum is often called crude oil, or oil. It is called a fossil fuel because it was formed from the remains of tiny sea plants and animals that died hundreds of millions of years ago. When the plants and animals died, they sank to the bottom of the oceans. Here, they were buried by thousands of feet of sand and sediment, which turned into sedimentary rock. As the layers increased, they pressed harder and harder on the decayed remains at the bottom. The pressure and some heat changed the remains and, eventually, petroleum was formed.Petroleum deposits are locked in porous rocks almost like water is trapped in a wet sponge. When crude oil comes out of the ground, it can be as thin as water or as thick as tar. Petroleum is called a nonrenewable energy source because it takes hundreds of millions of years to form. We cannot make new petroleum reserves.

Why Blockchain?

Blockchain offers many features to make back-office work more efficient: Transparency, Financial transactions, Enabling performance-based contracts, Track provenance for authenticity, Secure, Cost and Time.

What is Petroleum?

Petroleum is a general term for oil and natural gas. Oil is the world’s most important fuel and underpins our high standard of living. It provides modern convenience and freedom of movement and is crucial to transport systems.

Why Oil is important?

Oil has become the world’s most important source of energy since the end of World War II. Oil is a lever for economic and social development in the twenty-first century, because it brings in hard currency from abroad and because, linked up with other industries, it is a good that can increase its value importantly, creating many jobs.

Xpetroleum Token Pre-Sale (12th February 2019)

Token Sale is a modern method of crowdfunding that allows us to issue Digital Tokens in exchange for investments. This token sale event allows participants to contribute to Xpetroleum and receive XPL tokens. The maximum XPL token supply is 80million tokens. XPL is an ERC20 token that serves as currency on XPetroleum platform. During the Token Sale, the Token exchange rate will be as follows: 1 XPL= $0,15USD. The minimum purchase amount is 0.1 ETH. Early contributors of XPetroleum received a 35% bonus during the Pre-Sale round. All unsold tokens will be burned at the end ofthe ICO. All Tokens will be of equal value and functionality. To buy XPLtokens you will need to send a desired amount of ETH to the Ethereum Smart Contract address published on the Buy Token page of our website. Never send ETH to any address other than what we publish on the Buy Token page of this website. The exchange rate is updated for each investment during Token sale ( We use for ETH exchange rate).
During the pre-sale, tokens can be bought only through the links provided on our website
Pre-Sale Start: 12th February 2019–08:00 UTC
Pre-Sale End: 14st March 2019 –18:00 UTC
Bonus Percentage: 35%
Accepted Currencies: only ETH.
Exchange Rate: 1 XPL = $0.15 USD (Based on ETH/USD pair)
Minimum Purchase: 0.1 ETH


Token name: Xpetroleum
Token symbol: XPL
Standard: ERC20 (Ethereum)
Decimal: 8
Total Token Supply(max): 80,000,000 XPL
Contract Address: 0x0d3b80fe9999e40Ab4b3F1FcF6a90e8b946BC5Fa


62% Allocated for Token Sale
15% Allocated to Team And Founders
8% Allocated to Marketing
9% Allocated to Bounty
6% Allocated to Airdrop


40% Allocated for Research and Development
20% Allocated to Administration & Operations
20% Allocated to Marketing
10% Allocated to Partnership
6% Allocated for Hire Employee
4% Allocated to Legal And Complainces

Why Choose XPetroleum?

Decentralized Currency — XPL is a peer-to-peer, next-generation oil platform token with an average transaction time of few seconds!
Cost and speed — XPetroleum will have nearly instant transaction times and reduced cost of transactions.
The world’s largest sector — Oil industry is the sector with the world’s largest demand. The oil industry is one of the most essential markets in the world, oil market size is $1.7 trillion
Safe and Secure — ERC20 is the token standard of the Ethereum smart contracts platform.Transactions are guaranteed and secure.
Eliminates the Third Party — XPetroleum eliminates the dependency on third party intermediaries in all major oil sectors.
Locked Team Tokens — The team tokens will be locked using the smart contract for 2 years.

Which wallets can be used to store XPL?

XPL is an ERC20 token, and can be stored in ERC20 compatible wallets.

How will I receive my bonus tokens?

We will be given to you automatically into the wallet you bought tokens from in the Main Sale.

How can I buy your tokens?

During the public sale, tokens can be bought only through the links provided on our website

How much will the token cost?

XPL token will cost $0.15 USD.

What exchanges will list the XPL token?

We will announce the official listing into the exchanges after Main Sale.
What will happen to unsold tokens?
The unsold tokens will be burned.

Questions or Concerns?

If you’ve got a question about XPetroleum, a problem we can sort out, or some feedback that would help us get better, we’d love to hear from you. All questions and inquiries will bе attended tо in a professional mаnnеr.


Liam Evans: CEO
Bradley Robson: CTO
Jacob Howarth: Marketing and public relations
Harley North: Web Designer and Developer
Philipp Tavares: Editor and Research Manage
#XPetroleum #XPL #XPLtokens #XPetroleumPlatform #Blockchain #TokenSale #Ethereum

Author: Al Muhaimin
My ETH: 0xAa47eAa5F13fE67E08817D5B77bE047567Ab2557

XPetroleum Is A Hypermodern Oil Step That Depends On The Ethereum Blockchain With Sharp Contracts

XPetroleum is a hypermodern oil step that depends on the Ethereum blockchain with sharp contracts. XPetroleum produces one of the largest trust oil economies in the Blockchain. XPetroleum will replace and clarify the oil exchange. The oil trade is one of the most essential markets in the world, the standard of the oil exhibition is $ 1.7 trillion.
Blockchain offers many functions to always make back office work possible:  
straight lines, budgetary transactions, execution of agreements that depend on execution, track petroleum for authenticity, security, expenses and time. XPetroleum will probably reach the Xpetroleum Oil Organization as XPetroleum a sensitive tip. At that moment XPetroleum will start to lead extraordinarily
oil practices Oil is a general term for oil and vapor gas. Oil is the world's most basic fuel and supports our selective desire forever. It currently provides solace and opportunities for progress and is crucial for transport frameworks. Oil is an oil subsidiary. Oil is consistently called grungy oil or oil. It is known as an unsustainable power source because it is planned from the rest of the small marine plants and animals that have kicked the container many years earlier.
At the point where the plants and animals went farther, she sank to the bottom of the seas. Here they were secured with countless sand and remains, which turned into a sedimentary shock. When the layers went out, they crushed themselves more enthusiastically in the ruined lodgings at the base. The load and some heat changed the rest of the parts and inevitably oil was framed. The oil slows down by permeable vibrations, as if water is gathering in a soaked tissue. At this moment crude oil is leaving the ground, it is in all likelihood as thin as water or as thick as tar. Oil is known as an unsustainable source of imperativity because it takes an enormous number of years. XPetroleum can not save new oil.
Token Ticker => XPL
Platform => ERC20
Total supply => 80,000,000 XPL
Token Price => $ 0.15
Soft Cap => $ 500,000
Minimum purchase: 0.1ETH

Find more information via the links below;

Author: Al Muhaimin
My Bitcointalk:;u=1977549
My ETH: 0xAa47eAa5F13fE67E08817D5B77bE047567Ab2557

Minggu, 10 Februari 2019

The ZEUX Project Is A FCA-Registered Entity That Presented Its Product

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A storm has hit the investment market which we are not going to recover from. Crypto investment is that storm. With strict capital controls in place by most countries to control the flow of money and charge high taxes, cryptocurrency gained usage in circumventing capital controls and taxes, leading to an increase in demand. Cryptocurrency has been able to present an easy to use digital alternative to fiat currencies. Offering frictionless transactions and inflation control, investors have been prudent enough to add these currencies in their diversified portfolios as an asset, as the size of the market does not represent a systemic risk. Cryptocurrency employs the use of cryptography that assures high-security processes and verifies transactions personal to each user. Hence, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are impossible to achieve.
While this revolution is gaining wide acceptance, ZEUX project, an FCA regulated entity which has introduced its product and will formally introduce its operations in Europe in 2019 has arrived.
"For one, it can majorly boost consumer confidence with its secure nature. Blockchain can provide an immutable database for user’s personal data, adding an extra layer of security. Also if there are any illegitimate transactions, it is easy to track.
Also for customers who are hesitant to put their credit cards on their phones can use blockchain powered mobile payments solutions, which allow customers to use tokens instead of their credit cards.
These apps can also power loyalty programs for retailers. Customers can get tokens when they spend money, which they can either redeem for purchases or trade with other users."
With that being said, the mission of Zeux is to transform existing financial services by making complex, expensive and burdensome financial management processes simple, convenient and affordable for the customer, thus making the best services accessible to everyone.
But before we go any further, please check out this video presentation to get even more acquainted
Now that I have your attention, let’s get right to it.
What exactly is ZEUX?
As depicted above, the ZEUX project is a FCA-registered entity that presented its product and officially presents its activities in Europe in 2019. It has a primary goal for deploying services to the world in 2020. At ZEUX, a client can handle all their financial portfolios. Each transaction using a ZEUX wallet will be executed in an atmosphere that uses cyber-system security protocols. With ZEUX, everything can be done with just a few taps.
In addition, the ZEUX platform is a digital money startup based in London, which deals with the release of mobile investing and payments in the digital money world.
ZEUX will act as an aggregator and implement investment products with available investment products and details listed in the application.
The ZEUX platform is an integrated system, thus this platform provides an excellent image of users’ financial activities. Therefore, the ZEUX platform will use AI and data analytics to recommend suitable and targeted investment objects based on investment preferences, financial profiles, risk appetite, and all other monetary information captured by the ZEUX platform.
Using the ZEUX application, customers can instruct the ZEUX platform to open the latest investment account with the right asset management provider. The ZEUX application will provide insight into consumers’ investment portfolios with psychiatry about investment actions and risk indicators.
The Mission
The mission of Zeux is to transform existing financial services by making complex, expensive and burdensome financial management processes simple, convenient and affordable for the customer, thus making the best services accessible to everyone.
ZEUX will provide a solution that offers a platform that offers a platform that gives you access to each of your financial products. ZEUX uses block technology that is safe, decentralized, distributed and provides its own digital money to facilitate opening and transactions that are safe, unchanged, open. This will be fast, safe, comfortable and reliable.
About The ZEUX Platform
Secure KYC Service
Keep in control of your private key for storing your personal data
Open multiple financial accounts with verified KYC information on the blockchain
Investment Platform
Get access to several investment products in a combined platform
The first investment platform that offers crypto fund products
Pay Cellular Payments with Apple Pay / Google Pay / Samsung Pay to spend your fiat and crypto currencies anywhere
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Decentralized Money Transfer
Transfer money to anyone, anywhere instantly with a few simple clicks
The process is easy and safe using blockchain technology
Personal Data Encryption Technology & Security
Encrypted personal data for the KYC (Know Your Customer) process is stored in the Personal Data Warehouse.
KYC verification history is stored in the blockchain using hashes.
Private keys are stored on the customer’s cellphone and are controlled by the customer.
Bank Level Security
The Zeux technology team has extensive industry experience in system security in financial services and in-depth knowledge on the blockchain.
Zeux uses multilayered security measures to ensure the safety and security of the system.
Regulations & Compliance with PSD2
PSD2, also known as Open Banking, supports the main Zeux offer.
It provides a regulated platform from which we can obtain customer data to process financial services.
The features ultimately make it easier and more convenient to make payments and reduce delays for our customers.
Regulations & Compliance with FCA
Zeux adheres to strict financial rules and regulations to ensure the security and security of transactions and financial data of our customers.
Zeux is currently authorized as an EMD agent by the FCA, which gives him permission to conduct electronic money agency activities.
An Illustrative Diagram Explaining How it Work
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The Advantages
Secure controls - by creating your own data warehouse and user account, each user will receive a private private key
Zeux platform developers focus on using all the unique blockchain features, hackers are barely able to sabotage or steal user information and assets.
This project uses PSD2, a platform to help collect customer transaction data, if a problem arises, it will be resolved quickly, reducing stagnation for customers to use.
The Zeux platform provides access to a number of safe and promising investment websites for users to generate revenue.
Make cash transactions and profit with almost zero commissions
Zeux helps transfer money quickly and easily between fiat and crypto, you don’t need to go through an intermediary to solve problems.
With partners, COBINHOOD has experience in exchanging for qualifications to develop Zeux as a global financial solution through smart phones.
Zeux is currently authorized as an FCA EMD agent, they have a license to prove the activities of electronic organizations.
Zeux uses ZeuxCoin to make system fees, by maintaining it you can enjoy all token payments, investment discounts, and quick access to safe KYC services. Zeux also gives incentive gift customers and events to hold their coins.
About The ZeuxCoin
Zeux gives their customers a gift that encourages active management and tracking of their assets and investments. By holding ZeuxCoin, you can enjoy cashback on all crypto payments, get your crypto investment fee discounts and instant access to your secure KYC services.
ICO Details
Token Symbol – ZUC
Token Type – Utility Token
Further Token Token – No
Accepted Currency – BTC and ETH
Funds Allocation
20% – Technology Development
20% – User acquisition operation cost
20% – Licenses and Compliance
10% – Exchange Listing Cost
10% – Marketing
5% – Infrastructure
5% – Operational Staff
5% – Business Development
5% – Other Cost
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April: Beta version complete
May: The main payment partnership agreement is signed
June: Ten asset management partners signed
Sep: FCA Authorization for AISP, PISP Investment arrangement
Nov: Product launch in UK
February: Integration with investment providers through blockchain-based KYC
March: Official launch in the UK and soft launch throughout the EU
June: Official launch in the EU and soft launch in the US
Nov: Official launch in Europe and US
February: Connect to more than 50 financial service partners on the platform
October: Expand to Asia, Africa and all of America
Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.
Till next time…
For more information, please visit:

writer: Al Muhaimin
My ETH: 0xFa3aECe75c6fa68F2A7A2690e5080FE62F82ed42