Selasa, 27 November 2018

Zeus Juga Menunjukan Kemampunnya Dengan Menggunakan Tenaga Lisrik Untuk Mining Cryptocurrency Sebagai Tujuan Utamanya

Platfrom Zeus Mampu Meraup Keuntungan Proyek Yang Bergerak Dalam Penanggulangan Sampah

        Anda tak bisa kembali ke masa lalu dan mengubah sebuah awal yang buruk, namun Anda bisa membuat akhir yang indah, mulai saat ini!. Dan hidup terlalu singkat jika hanya menyesal. Hidup hanya sekali, namun jika digunakan dengan baik, sekali saja cukup!.
Di sini saya akan menjelaskan platfrom Zeus yang isinya mengenai sampah atau daur ulang sampah, Pada saat ini sampah dikalangan masyarakat sangatlah memperihatinkan, karena masyarakat membuang sampah tidak pada tempatnya bahkan kebanyakan masyarakat tidak punya tempat pembuangan sampah. Sehinga masyarakat membuang sampah sembarangan, seperti disungai atau dibelakang rumah mereka dan mereka tidak memikirkan akibatnya. Sampah adalah masalah serius yang bisa merusak lingkungan dan bisa mencemarkan lingkungan, jadi perlu kesadaran masyarakat untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini.

        Di jaman semakin maju banyak teknologi semakin canggih, seiring dengan munculnya platfrom Zeus, pengertian Platfrom Zeus adalah sebuah proyek yang bergerak dalam penanggulangan sampah, yang bertujuan mendaur ulang sampah menjadi hal yang bermanfaatkan seperti, mengubah sampah menjadikan Energi listrik. Tujuan Platfrom Zeus mengubah sampah menjadi energi listrik, yaitu mengurangi tumpukkan samph dan menambah pasokan listrik untuk negara yang akan di gunakan masyarakat dan perusahaan


         Banyak perusahan yang beroprasi dengan tenaga listrik sebagai penggerak suatu alat produksi untuk menghasilkan suatu produk atau barang. Disini Zeus juga menunjukan kemampunnya dengan menggunakan tenaga lisrik untuk mining cryptocurrency sebagai tujuan utamanya, merubah sampah menjadi pupuk dan mendapatkan hasil daur ulang sampah menjadi suatu barang yang memiliki nilai jual.

          Dengan jumlah power sebanyak 38.648.000 kwh/tahun, diperkirakan akan menghasilkan pendapatan sebanyak 13k btc kurang lebih, selama setahun dan mendapatkan profit sebanyak kurang lebih 53.000.000m euro. Zeus juga menggunakan VGA AMD Rx 570 - 580 dan Nvidia 1060, 1070, 1080 yang merupakan kelas terbaik pada sektor mining. Bayangkan saja bila anda bergabung dengan platfrom Zeus yang mempunyai tujuan yang jelas dan berbagai keuntungan yang akan di peroleh, ini sangat menggiyurkan dan menguntungkan.

Perencanaan pendapatan dari kompleks daur ulang limbah ZEUS (2017/18)

          Token Zeus adalah token pribadi yang di miliki Zeus untuk di bagikan kesemua orang yang mendukung platfrom Zeus, jumlah totol Token Zeus mencapai 58,000,000 ZEUS Token. Token Zeus akan muncul pada platform Ethereum Blockchain pada waktu yang telah di tentukan.

Proyek ini ditandai oleh indikator profitabilitas seperti:

Distribusi Token Zeus di antaranya
       15%  total token didistribusikan untuk tim pengembang. 2% total token didistribusikan untuk program bounty. 49,300,000 akan dijual pada acara token sale. 1,000,000 akan dijual pada Pre-ICO.


Jumlah Token Sale Untuk Investor

         Star ICO 25 Desember 2017 - 25 Januari 2018. Target penjualan token Zeus sebanyak 41,620,000 Euro. Mata uang yang diterima adalah Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), dan Euro. Zeus menawarkan bonus dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

  1. Hari ke 1-7, total token adalah 5,000,000 Token Zeus, dengan harga per tokennya adalah 0.7 Euro.
  2. Hari  ke 8-14, total token adalah 10,000,000 Token Zeus dengan harga per tokennya adalah 0.8 Euro.
  3. Hari ke 15-22, total token yang disediakan adalah 15,000,000 Token Zeus, dengan harga per tokennya adalah 0.85 Euro.
  4. Hari ke 23-29, total token yang disediakan adalah  19,300,000 Token Zeus, dengan harga per tokennya adalah 0.9 Euro.

Biaya penyewaan kapasitas penambangan untuk pengguna

       Platfrom Zeus memang memiliki masadepan yang menjajikan, beberapa penjelasan diatas mengenain Platfrom Zeus sangat jelas bahwa Platfrom Zeus bergerak di bidang daur ulang yang ingin menjadikan sampah menjadi energi listrik yang dapat di gunakan semua orang, di sisi lain platfrom Zeus sangatlah cocok bagi anda para investor untuk segera bergabung dan rasakan keuntungan yang luarbiasa bersama Zeus. Trima kasih sukses selalu..

Informasi Lebih Lanjut Kunjungi Link Dibawah Ini: 

Penulis: Al Muhaimin

ETH saya: 0xFa3aECe75c6fa68F2A7A2690e5080FE62F82ed42

Zeus - Recycling Waste Into Electricity

ZEUS is the first company in the world recycling garbage waste into electricity, which is used for mining cryptocurrencies at the factory with its own mining capacities
 Our mission is to enable everyone not only to help solving garbage utilization problem but also profitably invest and make this world better.
First implementation of building garbage recycling factory project which also generates electricity from waste products and uses it for mining in the world - ZEUS EcoCryptoMining.
With it can produce
Power: 38 648 000 kW/h per year.
  1. Income:13 308 BTC per year.
  2. Net annual profit: 53 239 659 €.

The working mechanism of ZEUS Token

ZEUS Token’s own token will allow to participate in the project, its development, to receive a high and stable income. Decentralized direct investment in the project will occur through the purchase of ZEUS Token. It is their “decentralization” that should ensure the independence of the project from the influence of government- owned and large companies. The project fully utilizes the ideology of decentralization and improvement of the ecological situation on the planet. The financial instrument will be launched on the Ethereum’s blockchain.The Token is produced on the basis of the Ethereum’s blockchain
ZEUS Token — is the proof of membership in the project ZEUSZEUS — will issue 58 000 000 tokens of ZEUS Token.

Tokens will be distributed as follows:

  • 15% of the total number of tokens sold, will be distributed between the project team (distribution and sales schedule according to, see below)
  • 2% of the total number of tokens sold, will be allocated to the distribution for the bounty program of the project
  • 1,000,000 tokens are intended for sale on the Pre ICO
  • 49,300,000 tokens will be distributed among investors on the ICO at the price as per the table below.
The Pre ICO campaign will start on October 1 and will last until October 31, 2017. The purpose of the company is to raise funds through the implementation of 1 000 000 tokens of ZEUS Token at a price with a discount of 50% of the buyback price, that is the equivalent of 0.5 € at the rate of ETH/BTC at the time of a purchase.The collected funds will be used to prepare the public launch of the ZEUS project, marketing and preparation of the ICO seed-round. ICO (Investment Campaign) will be held from November 20 to December 25, 2017 and will start at 03:00 Moscow time (00:00 UTC)The following methods can be used to invest in ZEUS Token:• Bitcoin (BTC)• Ethereum (ETH)• Euro

Bonuses and offers

During the tokens sale on the ICO for the needs of the ZEUS project, it is planned to collect 41,620,000 Euros, the equivalence to the mentioned cryptocurrencies above.The collected funds will be used to purchase land, build factory facilities and a mining farm, components for assembling mining capacities, purchase of equipment for waste recycling, packaging line, loading equipment.Also, the exchange rate differences and commissions will be taken into account when exchanging cryptocurrency for fiat money, Success fee of consultants and companies servicing the technical side of ICO and mutual settlements with early wholesale investors.
Buyout of tokens will occur monthly at a rate of 5,000,000 tokens per month, 12 payments within 12 months at a base cost of 1 Euro per token a month after the start of the factory’s operation (December 2018).The base cost is calculated with the rate of 4000 Euro per 1 BTC.

Author: Al Muhaimin

My ETH: 0xFa3aECe75c6fa68F2A7A2690e5080FE62F82ed42

Senin, 26 November 2018

Electronic Payment Systems Have Grown Steadily In Recent Decades Due To The Increasing Spread Of Banking Services And Internet Shopping

Cardonio is a state-of-the-art payment card designed to be an integral product of all Bitcoin holders and / or Ether cryptocurrency. In addition, it is suitable for anyone who spends money in foreign currencies around the world. Especially designed as a solution for members of the Cryptocurrency community, Cardonio offers unique and exciting opportunities so that cardholders can secure instant credit lines using only their existing Crypto ownership.
 Payment system
Electronic payment systems have grown steadily in recent decades due to the increasing spread of banking services and Internet shopping. As the world develops with technological developments, electronic payment systems and payment processing devices are booming. As they grow, improve and provide safer online payment transactions, the percentage of check and cash transactions will decrease.
One of the most popular online payment methods is credit and debit cards. Besides them, there are also alternative payment methods, such as bank transfers, electronic wallets, smart cards or bitcoin wallets (bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency).
The following is a payment system that is often used by people
Electronic Wallet: Prepaid account form that stores user financial data, such as debit and credit card information, to facilitate online transactions.
Chip Card – A plastic card with a microprocessor that can be filled with funds for transactions. also known as a smart card.
Electronic payment systems are designed to facilitate receipt of electronic payments for online transactions. With the increasing popularity of online shopping, online payment systems have become unavoidable for online consumers, to facilitate shopping and banking. It has many benefits, such as:
Reaching more customers around the world, which generates more sales.
More efficient and effective transactions – This is because transactions are carried out in seconds (with one click), without wasting time on customers. This is conveyed with speed and simplicity.
Comfort. Customers can pay for items on e-commerce sites anytime and anywhere. They only need devices that are connected to the Internet. As simple as that!
Reduce transaction costs and reduce technology costs.
Control expenses for customers because they can always check their virtual accounts where they can find transaction history.
Today, it’s easy to add payments to websites. Even non-specialists can apply it in minutes and start processing payments online.
Payment gateways and payment providers offer highly effective security and anti-fraud tools to make transactions reliable.
Speaking of payment systems, we want to discuss payment platforms that crypto fans must have around the world, this platform is called Cardonio. As explained above, Cardonio is a payment card at the forefront of technology, which must be a must for Bitcoins and / or Ether Cryptocurrencies.
What are the benefits of Cardonio?
Visa cards, low interest rates, no annual fees.
Make purchases in Fiat smoothly.
Spend some currencies
Imagine the opportunity to make a purchase today for $ 10,000, which, to debate, is 1BTC. When payment is due in 90 from now, the BTC price can be greater than $ 12,000, which means that you have saved more than 20% on the purchase price.
Key Features
Give the general public the ability to make purchases via Ether or Bitcoin using a physical card that is similar to a standard credit / debt account.
Make purchases wherever a traditional credit / debt card is accepted – accepted online and for traditional sales card payments.
The subtle difference between the Cardonio card and the way the credit card was used in the past is that (behind the scenes) the right amount of purchases through the Cardonio Card will be exchanged in real time from ETH / BTC. This will be done at the same time as a card that slips into an ATM or POS payment gateway, the remaining balance is stored securely in the client’s personal wallet where they only have access.
Exchange money with the perfect interbank exchange rate using the Cardonio mobile app.
Enjoy perfect interbank rates when purchases are made with Cardonio Card.
Send money from the Cardonio App in 23 currencies and 120 countries worldwide for free.
Sending money between Cardonio application users is not only free, it is real time. The money sent will be immediately available on the recipient’s Cardonio card.
The market
The cryptocurrency market seems to be on the rise, and according to some experts, it can be worth at least $ 40 trillion. The founder of Pantera Capital, Dan Morehead, is one of the experts estimating that it will reach 40 billion dollars. He noted positively: “The industry as a whole is worth $ 400 billion. It can easily reach $ 4 trillion, and $ 40 trillion is certainly possible. So you don’t have to worry about the cryptocurrency market where Cardonio wants to participate, because this market will become more important. in the coming year.
How does Cardonio work?

Instant credit approval is a prepaid credit card from Cardonio with one of 10 major crypto currencies.

You can use anywhere in the world – make paid purchases using a Cardonio credit card, use your CDO token as protection.

Pay your purchases immediately – get up to 90 days, to pay your purchase bill, use CDO tokens or other crypto currencies.
Crypto credit card:
Standard credit card (red, blue and green):
0,25% кэш бэк на все покупки;
500$ - лимит снятия средств (2% комиссионных сборов);
500$ - ежемесячный лимит переводов от одного лица другому (0,5% комиссионных сборов);
неограниченная поддержка;
нет ежемесячной и годовой платы за карту.
To get a standard Cardonio card, you must buy at least 500 CDO tokens. For this card, you don’t need to hold a CDO token in your account.
Frozen White (Chillingly White)
0,5% кэш бэк на все покупки;
1000$ - лимит снятия средств (ежемесячно 1,75% комиссионных сборов);
1000$ - ежемесячный лимит переводов от одного лица другому (ежемесячно 0,5% комиссионных сборов);
неограниченная поддержка;
нет ежемесячной и годовой платы за карту.
To get a Frozen White Credit Card, you must have at least 2500 CDO tokens and hold them for at least 30 days.
Limited Edition Gold (Limited Gold Series)
1% кэш бэк на все покупки;
2500$ - лимит снятия средств (ежемесячно 1,5% комиссионных сборов);
2500$ - ежемесячный лимит переводов от одного лица другому (ежемесячно 0,5% комиссионных сборов);
ограниченная серия для 50000 первых клиентов;
нет ежемесячной и годовой платы за карту.
To get a Limited Edition Gold Card, Cardonio, you must have at least 10,000 CDO tokens and hold them for at least 90 days.
Limited Edition Black (Limited Black Series)
2% кэш бэк на все покупки;
20 000$ - лимит снятия средств (ежемесячно 1% комиссионных сборов);
Безлимитный переводов от одного лица другому;
ограниченная серия для 1000 первых клиентов;
нет ежемесячной и годовой платы за карту.
To get a Limited Edition Black Credit Card, you must have at least 50,000 CDO tokens and hold them for at least 180 days.
• Selling tokens
PRICE 1 CDO = $ 0,02 USD

For more information about Cardonio, you can visit the following link:

Author: Al Muhaimin

My ETH: 0xFa3aECe75c6fa68F2A7A2690e5080FE62F82ed42

Cardonio Is The Leading Payment Card

Cardonio - ultramodern payment card for the owners of crypto currency. In addition, it is perfect for those who spend money in foreign currency around the world.
Cardonio is a cutting edge payment card which is set to be the must-have item for every holder of Bitcoin and/or Ether Cryptocurrencies.
You just keep ETH / BTC in your wallet and when you want to make a purchase, the system will exchange your coins (BTC, ETH, etc.) at the current exchange rate to the currency, after which the payment will be made for this purchase. The exchange of crypto currency is absolutely free for the user. Cardonio will not charge a monthly / annual fee for the use and maintenance of the card, as well as for withdrawals from ATMs.
Cardonio is Primarily designed as a solution for those within the Cryptocurrency community, what makes Cardonio such an exciting and unique opportunity is that card holders are able to secure instant lines of credit using nothing more than their existing Crypto holdings as security. 
Payment System
The electronic payment system has grown increasingly over the last decades due to the growing spread of internet-based banking and shopping. As the world advances more with technology development, we can see the rise of electronic payment systems and payment processing devices. As these increase, improve, and provide ever more secure online payment transactions the percentage of check and cash transactions will decrease.
One of the most popular payment forms online are credit and debit cards. Besides them, there are also alternative payment methods, such as bank transfers, electronic wallets, smart cards or bitcoin wallet (bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency).
The following is a payment system that is often used by people 
-E-wallet — A form of prepaid account that stores user’s financial data, like debit and credit card information to make an online transaction easier.
  • Smart card — A plastic card with a microprocessor that can be loaded with funds to make transactions; also known as a chip card.
E-payment systems are made to facilitate the acceptance of electronic payments for online transactions. With the growing popularity of online shopping, e-payment systems became a must for online consumers — to make shopping and banking more convenient. It comes with many benefits, such as: 

  • Reaching more clients from all over the world, which results in more sales.
  • More effective and efficient transactions — It’s because transactions are made in seconds (with one-click), without wasting customer’s time. It comes with speed and simplicity.
  • Convenience. Customers can pay for items on an e-commerce website at anytime and anywhere. They just need an internet connected device. As simple as that!
  • Lower transaction cost and decreased technology costs.
  • Expenses control for customers, as they can always check their virtual account where they can find the transaction history.
  • Today it’s easy to add payments to a website, so even a non-technical person may implement it in minutes and start processing online payments.
  • Payment gateways and payment providers offer highly effective security and anti-fraud tools to make transactions reliable.

Speaking of payment systems, we want to discuss a payment platform that must be owned by crypto-enthusiasts around the world, this platform is named Cardonio. As explained earlier, Cardonio is a cutting edge payment card which is set to be the must-have of Bitcoin and / or Ether Cryptocurrencies.
What are the benefits of using Cardonio;
  • Visa card, low interest rate, no annual fee
  • Make seamless fiat purchases
  • Spend multiple currencies 
Imagine the prospect of making a purchase today for $10,000 which for argument sake is 1BTC. By the time payment is due in 90 from now the BTC price might be above $12,000, meaning you have saved well in excess of 20% on the purchase price”.
Core features
-Providing the general public with the chance to make purchases via Ether or Bitcoin using a physical card similar to that of a standard credit/debt account.
  • Make purchases wherever traditional credit/debt cards are accepted - Accepted both online and for traditional POS card payments.
  • The subtle difference between Cardonio card and the way people have historically used credit cards is that (behind the scenes) the exact purchase amount via Cardonio Card will be exchanged in real-time from either ETH/BTC. This will take place the very moment the Card is swiped in either an ATM or POS payment gateway, with the remaining balance securely stored in the customers personal wallet to which only they have access.
  • Exchange money at perfect interbank exchange rates using the Cardonio mobile App.
  • Enjoy the same perfect interbank rates whenever a purchase is made using Cardonio Card.
  • Send money from Cardonio App in 23 currencies and from 120 countries worldwide for free.
  • Sending money between Cardonio App users is not only free, it is real-time. The money sent will be instantly available on the receiver’s Cardonio Card.
The cryptocurrency market is looking bullish, and according to specific experts, it could one day be worth regarding market cap at least $40 trillion. One of the experts who believe it will reach $40 trillion is the founder of Pantera Capital, Dan Morehead. He positively highlighted- “the industry as a whole is $400 billion. It easily could go to $4 trillion, and $40 trillion is definitely possible.”. So you don't have to worry about the cryptocurrency market that Cardonio wants to enter, because this market will grow even bigger in the coming year.
Token Sale CDO:
PRE SALE since August 15, 2018 (100 million CDO), 1 CDO = 0.02 $;
PHASE 1 from September 15, 2018 (100 million CDO), 1 CDO = $ 0.10;
PHASE 2 from October 15, 2018 (100 million CDO), 1 CDO = $ 0.20;
PHASE 3 from 15 November 2018 (25 million CDO), 1 CDO = 0.40 $;
PHASE 4 from December 15, 2018 (25 million CDO), 1 CDO = 0.80 $;
FINAL PHASE from 15 January 2019 (10 million CDO), 1 CDO = $ 1.50.
Unsold tokens at each stage will be transferred to the final stage, and then to the company's reserve.
As of December 2018, it is planned to launch beta versions of applications for iOS and Android. Service connection with Apple Pay, Samsung Pay or Android Pay.
February-March 2019 - Announcement and promotion to foreign markets. Initial listing on HitBTC.
March 10, 2019 - online maps are available for all users (platform for loans and loans is launched).
After the final stage of selling the CDO token, the crypto currency will be immediately available on numerous exchanges: HitBTC, Bitrex, Binance and Poloniex of the confirmed ones.
You can use your digital or physical card in any country that accepts VISA.
What is the beauty of this credit card ?! In that it is adopted wherever VISA cards are accepted, i.e. everywhere; in that it will soon support Apple Pay and other contactless payment systems, as well as return cashback from purchases from 0.25% to 2%.
Currently, the AirDrop of the given project passes. You can get 200 CDOs, you need to register on the project site, then go to the Cardonio telegram; pass a simple captcha and enter the e-mail address to which you registered the account. Liknut the project on facebook, subscribe to twitter (follow the directions of the bot), after which you will be credited with 200 CDO, which at this stage is $ 4 = 268 rubles. By the end of Token Sale, the rate will increase to $ 1.50 per 1 CDO and it turns out that we have an opportunity of about $ 300 = 20,100 rubles (assuming the price remains when entering the exchange).
For more information visit the following links:

Author: Al Muhaimin My Bitcointalk:;u=1977549 My ETH: 0xFa3aECe75c6fa68F2A7A2690e5080FE62F82ed42

Jumat, 23 November 2018

BitSong - это платформа для потоковой передачи музыки

BitSong является кроссплатформенной Компанией потоковой музыки в сотрудничестве с работодателями музыкой indrusti, которые будут готовы для размещения музыкантов, которые пели талант скрытым, сам Bitsong бы таланты таланты певиц уличных музыкантов, которые готовы принимать и направлять таланты музыкантов, фокус разработчик близок к своему сердцу. Это проект, посвященный музыкант и попытке решить большую проблему для художников baru.musisi будет иметь возможность производить свои собственные песни и слушатели будут наслаждаться и слышать новый контент с любого устройства, которыми они владеют. Bitsong будет продвигать артист и певец через seponsor и киберпространство,
Проект Bitsong направлен на преодоление бюрократических и экономических барьеров в отрасли и поощрение художников и пользователей за использование только платформы. Платформа Bitsong уникальна как деталями, так и дополнительными услугами, которые она предлагает всем кругам и всем углам земли. который отличает битконг от других платформ, потоковое воспроизведение другой музыки, помогая финансировать музыку и видео-исполнителей и подарочные токены пользователям, от поклонников музыки и видео до них для позитивной коммерческой деятельности.
Цель команды сама Bitsong будет присутствовать в Smart TV все, оснащено Chromecast, с помощью смартфонов магазинов приложений, в персональном компьютере что-либо через веб-интерфейс или программное обеспечение и в конечном счете, каждый автомобиль оснащен радио Смарт и знатоками и исполнителями будет таким же В равной степени выиграла собственная интеллектуальная платформа Bitsong, интеллектуальная технология. Использование blockchain дало Bitsong средства для децентрализации и стала более общинной, чем ее конкуренты. В настоящее время просмотр музыкальных видеоклипов осуществляется через YouTube, прослушивание и потоковое воспроизведение через Spotify,
Например, приложение Bitsong можно использовать в Hanpone.


Выручка от мировой музыкальной музыки в 2017 году достигла 17,4 млрд. Долл. США, по сравнению с 
16 млрд. Долл. США в 2016 году - ежегодный темп роста в 8 процентов. Поток доходов , 
в частности , внесли свой вклад в этот рост, и на 39 процентов в 
годовом исчислении до достижения 7,4 $ млрд, или 43 процентов от всех доходов (Sarah 
Perez, Techcrunch, 2018).

Вывод BitSong
В целом, идея BitSong кажется сильной, учитывая, что многие слушатели обращаются к потоковым платформам для загрузки музыки. Тем не менее, команда сделала шаг в том, чтобы позволить музыкантам создавать свою собственную музыку без необходимости записи ярлыков, позволяя более децентрализованный способ создания и зарабатывания собственной музыки. Сама команда состоит из множества членов, в том числе Джованни Мелфи, который возьмет на себя роль технического директора и Blockchain Developer. К сожалению, уровень экспертизы слишком скоро завершится, так как некоторые детали, связанные с несколькими членами их команды, еще не раскрыты. Чтобы узнать больше, ознакомьтесь с техническими документами BitSong по адресу:
Для получения дополнительной информации ниже:
Официальный веб-ссылка:
Техническая документация:

Автор: Al Muhaimin

Мой ETH: 0xFa3aECe75c6fa68F2A7A2690e5080FE62F82ed42